Antichrist · Bible · Christian-walk · Churches condition · God's Timing · Man of sin · The rise of a false Christianity · Walking in mans laws · Walking in sin's ways · WShat happens when man isist on his own way

The Antichrist Meets Protestants

Jesus has had in all ages of this worlds history His true representatives. At the commencement of Satan’s takeover it was Able. He was the first martyr’ or as the meaning of the word says: the first person on the earth to go all the way with Jesus and willing laid down his life for… Continue reading The Antichrist Meets Protestants

a coming judgment · A world full of fools · Antichrist · Awake my people · Bible · Choosing God's way · Choosing one's own way · Churches condition · End Time Events · False ideas · WShat happens when man isist on his own way


We have all at one time or another heard the song ” shall our anchor hold through the storms of life”. We all know that it is talking about Jesus as that anchor. But as there are many types of anchors there are many places to place them and dig in. Jesus is just one… Continue reading THE STORMS OF LIFE ARE HERE

End Time Events · False ideas · Lack of obedience · Loving as Jesus did · Man's way of thinking · Nature of God · Not making the bible your guide · Obeying man not God · Putting faith in God not man · Signs of the End · Thinking you know more than God · Walking in mans laws · WShat happens when man isist on his own way

Liberty Or Death: Which Part Seven

Many Christians believe that the Old Testament has nothing in it that concerns God’s New Testament people. How little they know that they think they know. The sooner they learn that there are laws that lead to having eternal life and laws that lead to eternal death the better off will their walk with God… Continue reading Liberty Or Death: Which Part Seven

A Faith to Live By · End Time Events · False gods · God's Power: Man's Weakness · Judgment coming · Lack of obedience · man's dependency upon God · Not making the bible your guide · Obeying man not God · prophecy · Thinking you know more than God · Walking in mans laws · WShat happens when man isist on his own way

Liberty Or Death: Which Part Three

  This is a word thrown around a lot in God’s church. Members use it on an endless bases to get away with all kinds of sins in their lives. They like to claim that at the cross Jesus did away with the law. If Jesus were to have done this then God can no… Continue reading Liberty Or Death: Which Part Three